CHOCOLAT- up to 4 minutes 40 seconds
The Bulgarian theorist Tzvetan Todorov had, after extensive analysis of folk tales and fairy stories, discovered that they followed a similar pattern in their structure. What he discovered is now known as the Classic narrative pattern and can be applied to the films of our current society.
The Classic Narrative Pattern starts with equilibrium, then disruption, then resolution, the restored order and finally a new equilibrium.
- Equilibrium at the start of the scene is the small town pictured with its ordinary looking townspeople going into church
- It is not made clear who the agents (antagonist and protagonist) are but we assume that the protagonist, the hero of the story is the man with the moustache who greets the townspeople at the entrance of the church and that the antagonist (the opposing agent) are the mysterious people cloaked in red who advance towards the town at the same time a strong wind blows through.
- The disruption in the film is when a strong wind blows through the town and manages to release the church doors from its latch.
- The resolution is when the man with the moustache closes the church doors against the wind. Order is then restored and a new equilibrium established.
- Though equilibrium is established we get a sense that the cloaked figures will cause disequilibirum later on in the film.
- The antagonist and protagonist are not made explicitly clear and the audience could have been left wondering whether or not the man with the moustache is good and the cloaked figures bad.
The Bulgarian theorist Tzvetan Todorov had, after extensive analysis of folk tales and fairy stories, discovered that they followed a similar pattern in their structure. What he discovered is now known as the Classic narrative pattern and can be applied to the films of our current society.
The Classic Narrative Pattern starts with equilibrium, then disruption, then resolution, the restored order and finally a new equilibrium.
- Equilibrium at the start of the scene is the small town pictured with its ordinary looking townspeople going into church
- It is not made clear who the agents (antagonist and protagonist) are but we assume that the protagonist, the hero of the story is the man with the moustache who greets the townspeople at the entrance of the church and that the antagonist (the opposing agent) are the mysterious people cloaked in red who advance towards the town at the same time a strong wind blows through.
- The disruption in the film is when a strong wind blows through the town and manages to release the church doors from its latch.
- The resolution is when the man with the moustache closes the church doors against the wind. Order is then restored and a new equilibrium established.
- Though equilibrium is established we get a sense that the cloaked figures will cause disequilibirum later on in the film.
- The antagonist and protagonist are not made explicitly clear and the audience could have been left wondering whether or not the man with the moustache is good and the cloaked figures bad.
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